Monday, November 30, 2009

Black History Fact Of The Day

On this day in 1924, Shirley Chisholm was born in Brooklyn.

She was the first Black woman elected to Congress, and the first Black major-party presidential candidate for the United States.

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report

According to Forbes, China has a surprising new burgeoning asset- Garlic.

Forbes states that the wholesale price of garlic has multiplied 40 times since March; causing it to surpass gold as the "best-performing asset in China."

The rise in the value of garlic is being attributed to its decline in supply.

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

[How retailers operate online is being challenged internationally.

According to The BBC, French eBay retailers are banned from selling certain high-end perfumes. This includes fragrances produced by Givenchy, Christian Dior, and Louis Vuitton. The director of eBay Europe is quoted by the BBC as saying, "This injunction is an abuse of 'selective distribution.' It effectively enforces restrictive distribution contracts, which is anti-competitive."

A Parisian court recently fined eBay 1.7 million Euros for violating the aforementioned injunction.

Quote Of The Day

"A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back- but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you." -Marian Wright Edelman

[SIDEBAR: I had this quote as quote of the day before, but I thought it was worth re-posting.]

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention...A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words." -Rachel Naomi Remen

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history." -Plato

Friday, November 27, 2009


PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY:The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying were acquitted of all charges on all counts in State Supreme Court. I could run out of ink printing the names of people who have been victimized by the inaptly named justice system.

The American justice system has been especially terroristic towards the African American community. Many community members can cite historic and personal accounts to prove this. Therefore, it would be foolhardy (at the least) to turn to a system that has methodically oppressed us, and request that they free us. We can only free ourselves through extreme discipline and intelligent planning.

As a community we have been too compliant with leaders who organize ineffective, delayed reactions. The only strategy that can save us in this last hour is one that calls for a collective code of conduct that will be conducive to improving the conditions of our community, and shifting the paradigm of how we are treated by outside entities. The first step of this code of conduct should be based on economics.

The old adage of “money talks,” still reigns true in the new millennium. Any political scientist worth his or her library card will tell you that: “Economic powerlessness equals political powerlessness,” and conversely “economic power equals political power.” This means that if we continue to allow our wealth to be extracted from our community, we will remain impotent.

The power of the collective “Black Dollar” is often discussed. However, that power has been left unchanneled. Today is the day to change that. A one-time boycott is not going to bring long-term change and respect to our community. Our community has launched boycotts before. Our success and ascension will be based on what we consistently do. For this reason, we should initiate “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS.”

BUY BLACK FRIDAYS is a small step towards our community acquiring power via controlling our economics. Every Friday, people who acknowledge the injustice and oppression that the African American community has been consistently subjected to should do one of the following:

Option #1: Spend $0 on Friday
Option #2: Spend no more than $10 on Friday
Option #3: Only Shop at Black Businesses on Friday
[PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE OPTIONS CAN & SHOULD BE EXERCISED ON A DAILY BASIS. However, we can all at the very least focus on Fridays. This way we can take a collective stand and build our collective discipline. Please remember that this is only Phase 1!].

To the people who are tempted to label “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS” as racist, I say this: In the big scheme of things, this is about right & wrong, justice & injustice. The African American community is a strong, proud community that has endured the brunt of America’s iron fist. We must stop the pounding. I feel that any fair-minded individual will concur, and join in.

ANY business that is privileged to enjoy the support of the African American community MUST return that support.

I thank you in advance for your effort and dedication.

-Elsie Law AKA Starface

Quote Of The Day

"Self-trust is the first secret of success." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" -Henry Ward Beecher

[SIDEBAR: Although I greatly appreciate the state of being thankful; I disdain the idea about how the holiday "Thanksgiving" was created & how this country was "founded." There are so many wrongs that need to be righted. Maybe one Thanksgiving this country can sincerely attempt to make amends (even though there are some things that you can't totally compensate for).

May we all be deservedly covered by God's grace. Lots of love to everyone.]

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cops Gone Wild Part 34: The Slam A Non-Violent Man's Head Through A Glass Window Edition

Bart police are at it again...The video speaks for itself...

Quote Of The Day

"Those are a success who have lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who have gained the respect of intelligent people and the love of children, who have filled their niche and accomplished their task, who leave the world better than they found it, whether by a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of the earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best they had." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly if they even roll a few more upon it." -Albert Schweitzer

Monday, November 23, 2009

Black History Fact Of The Day

John Lee Love invented the portable pencil sharpener. He received a patent for it on November 23, 1897.

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce

According to The BBC, Linn Products will be the first manufacturer to cease producing CD players. The company has stated that they will switch their focus to manufacturing digital streaming equipment.

Although the company will terminate compact disc production, they will also continue to make vinyl record players. Music recorded on vinyl and their associated products has recently seen a re-emergence of popularity. However, with the declining sales of CDs, more CD player manufacturers may begin to follow Linn Product's lead.

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

[SIDEBAR: I caught wind of the following article from a twitter posting.]

According to the LA Times, a recent court ruling found that the United States' Army Corps of Engineers displayed 'gross negligence' when it came to maintaining the leeves in New Orleans. A federal judge stated that the negligence contributed to the breaking of the levees during Hurricane Katrina.

The aforementioned ruling could potentially leave the American government liable to pay out billions of dollars in damages.

Quote Of The Day

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations." -David Friedman

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Riddle Me This

A new hair store with a FULL window display of wigs just opened in my neighborhood. I wonder what message the children who walk by this store on a daily basis get about their natural features and hair textures.

I wonder what a difference it would make if we walked by book stores and health food stores on a daily basis; instead of liquor stores, cigarette ads, and feature-altering "beauty" stores.

Quote Of The Day

"Now my friends, I am opposed to the system of society in which we live today, not because I lack the natural equipment to do for myself but because I am not satisfied to make myself comfortable knowing that there are thousands of my fellow men who suffer for the barest necessities of life. We were taught under the old ethic that man's business on this earth was to look out for himself. That was the ethic of the jungle; the ethic of the wild beast. Take care of yourself, no matter what may become of your fellow man. Thousands of years ago the question was asked; 'Am I my brother's keeper?' That question has never yet been answered in a way that is satisfactory to civilized society.

Yes, I am my brother's keeper. I am under a moral obligation to him that is inspired, not by any maudlin sentimentality but by the higher duty I owe myself. What would you think me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death." -Eugene V. Debs

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Anecdote Of The Week: What Are The Movements Of A Great Leader?

"One of the ways I measure a good leader is by assessing the strength of the number two person. Would the organization function if the leader was not present? Insecure leaders make it difficult for the number two person to grow to their full potential.

I have had the privilege of observing geese fly south for the winter. It is amazing to see them fly. It is majestic the way they fly so effortlessly. If you look closer at geese, you will find that there is an order, a science, in the way they position themselves when they fly. They fly in a "V" formation.

There is a scientific reason for this. Researchers found that as each goose flaps its wings, an updraft is created for the bird immediately following. Studies show that this "V" formation adds at least 71 percent greater power than if the birds had flown alone.

There really is benefit in doing thing together. The real beauty is not just the strength that they gain from each other in the "V" formation, but the lead geese on both sides of the "V" are encouraged by each other. The noise being made are geese cheering for the leaders to keep the faith and keep the speed. When the lead geese are tired, they rotate to the back of the "V" and others will assume the point position. It is truly remarkable to observe.

If one goose becomes ill or is shot and falls out of formation, two other geese will follow and nurture the goose hopefully to health. If the goose dies, they will form a new "V" formation and attempt to catch the original group. Wouldn't it be nice if people would function the same way?" -From, "Sankofa: Stories of Power, Hope, and Joy"

Quote Of The Day

"What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful, and childhood more happy and bright." -Samuel Gompers

Friday, November 20, 2009


PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY:The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying were acquitted of all charges on all counts in State Supreme Court. I could run out of ink printing the names of people who have been victimized by the inaptly named justice system.

The American justice system has been especially terroristic towards the African American community. Many community members can cite historic and personal accounts to prove this. Therefore, it would be foolhardy (at the least) to turn to a system that has methodically oppressed us, and request that they free us. We can only free ourselves through extreme discipline and intelligent planning.

As a community we have been too compliant with leaders who organize ineffective, delayed reactions. The only strategy that can save us in this last hour is one that calls for a collective code of conduct that will be conducive to improving the conditions of our community, and shifting the paradigm of how we are treated by outside entities. The first step of this code of conduct should be based on economics.

The old adage of “money talks,” still reigns true in the new millennium. Any political scientist worth his or her library card will tell you that: “Economic powerlessness equals political powerlessness,” and conversely “economic power equals political power.” This means that if we continue to allow our wealth to be extracted from our community, we will remain impotent.

The power of the collective “Black Dollar” is often discussed. However, that power has been left unchanneled. Today is the day to change that. A one-time boycott is not going to bring long-term change and respect to our community. Our community has launched boycotts before. Our success and ascension will be based on what we consistently do. For this reason, we should initiate “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS.”

BUY BLACK FRIDAYS is a small step towards our community acquiring power via controlling our economics. Every Friday, people who acknowledge the injustice and oppression that the African American community has been consistently subjected to should do one of the following:

Option #1: Spend $0 on Friday
Option #2: Spend no more than $10 on Friday
Option #3: Only Shop at Black Businesses on Friday
[PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE OPTIONS CAN & SHOULD BE EXERCISED ON A DAILY BASIS. However, we can all at the very least focus on Fridays. This way we can take a collective stand and build our collective discipline. Please remember that this is only Phase 1!].

To the people who are tempted to label “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS” as racist, I say this: In the big scheme of things, this is about right & wrong, justice & injustice. The African American community is a strong, proud community that has endured the brunt of America’s iron fist. We must stop the pounding. I feel that any fair-minded individual will concur, and join in.

ANY business that is privileged to enjoy the support of the African American community MUST return that support.

I thank you in advance for your effort and dedication.

-Elsie Law AKA Starface

Quote Of The Day

"No matter how you seem to fatten on a crime, there can never be good for the bee which is bad for the hive." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings." -Dorothy Thompson

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Black History Fact Of The Day

On this date in 1787, abolitionist and poet, Sojourner Truth was born.

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report

Converting the United States' electrical grid so it is compatible with "digital age" technology is a multi-billion dollar undertaking. President Obama recently revealed his plan to disperse $3.4 billion in stimulus grants to help facilitate the conversion.

According to The Wall Street Journal, "about 100 companies and communities in 45 states and territories will receive federal subsidies to modernize the electric grid. The administration promised the projects would create 'tens of thousands of jobs.'"

The Wall Street Journal also reports that companies and regions in Florida received more than $267 million in grant money; and North Carolina received more than $400 million.

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

New York State is seeking to implement harsher DWI laws.

Under newly proposed legislation, it would be a felony to drive while intoxicated with a minor as a passenger.

The proposed legislation also calls for first-time convicted drunk drivers to be required to install a device in their vehicle that will prevent them from driving if they have been drinking.

Quote Of The Day

"One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade." -Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." -Martin Luther King Jr

Monday, November 16, 2009

Black History Fact Of The Day

Dr. Meredith Gourdine was a pioneering researcher in electrogasdynamics (a way to disperse fog and smoke). He held more than 40 patents.

Accodting to "Meredith Gourdine built a multi-million dollar corporation that is based on his ideas in the field of electrogasdynamics (EGD). Using the principles of EGD, Meredith Gourdine successfully converted natural gas to electricity for everyday use."

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report: Dollar Cost Averaging Definition

According to Wikipedia: "Dollar cost averaging is a timing strategy of investing equal dollar amounts regularly and periodically over specific time periods (such as $100 monthly) in a particular investment or portfolio. By doing so, more shares are purchased when prices are low and fewer shares are purchased when prices are high. The point of this is to lower the total average cost per share of the investment, giving the investor a lower overall cost for the shares purchased over time.

Dollar cost averaging is also called DCA and constant dollar plan in the US, pound-cost averaging in the UK, and by the currency-neutral terms unit cost averaging and cost average effect."

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

New York's City Council will be convening tomorrow to decide whether or not to pass a law that will require business owners to provide paid sick days for their employees. According to The New York Daily News: "If the bill passes, employers with 10 or more workers would have to provide nine paid sick days per year. Smaller businesses would have to give employees five paid sick days."

Quote Of The Day

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." -Albert Schweitzer

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"The person that loses their conscience has nothing left worth keeping." -Izaak Walton

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Kindness trumps greed: it asks for sharing. Kindness trumps fear: it calls forth gratefulness and love. Kindness trumps even stupidity, for with sharing and love, one learns." -Marc Estrin

Friday, November 13, 2009

Black History Fact Of The Day

"George Washington Carver was born in Diamond Groove, Missouri, in 1864. He worked his way through Simpson and Iowa State colleges and completed his masters degree. He accepted a position with Iowa University in Iowa City, the first African American to do so. He received a letter from Booker T. Washington asking to join him as they would work together to educate Blacks in the South. George Washington Carver left the comforts and prestige of Iowa University and arrived in Tuskegee, Alabama, where there was little money, few scientific resources, but two men with a vision.

George Washington Carver inspired his students and continued to do research. He helped farmers around the region to rotate their crops, showing them the importance of replenishing the soil. He developed more than 325 products from the peanut and sweet potato. Presidents called him their friend. Scientists from around the world sought his advice and opinion.

In the early 1900s, Thomas Edison offered to pay him $100,000 to work in a laboratory designed to his specifications if he would leave Tuskegee. Henry Ford matched that figure and offered him a job with the Ford Motor Company. Can you imagine what $100,000 would be worth in today's figures?...

George Washington Carver chose to stay and was committed to empowering Black people in the South. He thought he could be of greater service at Tuskegee. When he died, he was buried next to his friend, Booker T. Washington." -From, "Sankofa: Stories of Power, Hope, and Joy"

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report

The utilization of alternative energy sources has quickly turned into a billion dollar business in the U.S.

The New York Times is reporting that a $1.5 billion wind farm will be built in Texas. Construction is to begin in March.

According to The New York Times, the wind farm "will be financed largely by Chinese banks, with the help of loan guarantees and cash grants from the United States government...The wind farm will be the first instance of a Chinese manufacturer exporting wind turbines to the United States."

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

Facebook was reportedly granted a settlement of $711 million in damages from a spammer.

Although it is highly improbable that the allegedly bankrupt spammer will be able to pay the 9-figure fine, he may serve time for accessing facebook accounts without members' permission.

The spammer has criminal contempt charges against him. He is also banned from accessing the site again.


PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY:The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying were acquitted of all charges on all counts in State Supreme Court. I could run out of ink printing the names of people who have been victimized by the inaptly named justice system.

The American justice system has been especially terroristic towards the African American community. Many community members can cite historic and personal accounts to prove this. Therefore, it would be foolhardy (at the least) to turn to a system that has methodically oppressed us, and request that they free us. We can only free ourselves through extreme discipline and intelligent planning.

As a community we have been too compliant with leaders who organize ineffective, delayed reactions. The only strategy that can save us in this last hour is one that calls for a collective code of conduct that will be conducive to improving the conditions of our community, and shifting the paradigm of how we are treated by outside entities. The first step of this code of conduct should be based on economics.

The old adage of “money talks,” still reigns true in the new millennium. Any political scientist worth his or her library card will tell you that: “Economic powerlessness equals political powerlessness,” and conversely “economic power equals political power.” This means that if we continue to allow our wealth to be extracted from our community, we will remain impotent.

The power of the collective “Black Dollar” is often discussed. However, that power has been left unchanneled. Today is the day to change that. A one-time boycott is not going to bring long-term change and respect to our community. Our community has launched boycotts before. Our success and ascension will be based on what we consistently do. For this reason, we should initiate “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS.”

BUY BLACK FRIDAYS is a small step towards our community acquiring power via controlling our economics. Every Friday, people who acknowledge the injustice and oppression that the African American community has been consistently subjected to should do one of the following:

Option #1: Spend $0 on Friday
Option #2: Spend no more than $10 on Friday
Option #3: Only Shop at Black Businesses on Friday
[PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE OPTIONS CAN & SHOULD BE EXERCISED ON A DAILY BASIS. However, we can all at the very least focus on Fridays. This way we can take a collective stand and build our collective discipline. Please remember that this is only Phase 1!].

To the people who are tempted to label “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS” as racist, I say this: In the big scheme of things, this is about right & wrong, justice & injustice. The African American community is a strong, proud community that has endured the brunt of America’s iron fist. We must stop the pounding. I feel that any fair-minded individual will concur, and join in.

ANY business that is privileged to enjoy the support of the African American community MUST return that support.

I thank you in advance for your effort and dedication.

-Elsie Law AKA Starface

Quote Of The Day

"It is virtue; virtue, which both creates and preserves friendship. On it depends harmony of interest, permanence, fidelity." -Cicero

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." -James Thurber

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"We must rapidly begin the shift from a 'thing-oriented' society to a 'person-oriented' society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Feeling that morality has nothing to do with the way you use the resources of this world is an idea that can't persist any longer. If it does, then we won't." -Barbara Kingsolver

Monday, November 9, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love." -William Sloane Coffin

*UPDATE: My apologies for the slow postings over the last few days. However, I've been extra busy catering to my responsibilities. My blog entries will pick up by the middle of the week. Thanks for your patience.

Lots of Love,


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship." -Henry Ward Beecher

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Knowledge is proud that she knows so much; Wisdom is humble that she knows no more." -Author Unknown

Friday, November 6, 2009


PLEASE PASS THIS ON! (EACH ONE TEACH ONE OR TWO!) THIS IS PHASE ONE ON HOW WE CAN HELP TO STRENGTHEN & EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITY:The 2008 not guilty verdict in the Sean Bell case evoked outrage, emotion, and debate. It is not an anomaly that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell slaying were acquitted of all charges on all counts in State Supreme Court. I could run out of ink printing the names of people who have been victimized by the inaptly named justice system.

The American justice system has been especially terroristic towards the African American community. Many community members can cite historic and personal accounts to prove this. Therefore, it would be foolhardy (at the least) to turn to a system that has methodically oppressed us, and request that they free us. We can only free ourselves through extreme discipline and intelligent planning.

As a community we have been too compliant with leaders who organize ineffective, delayed reactions. The only strategy that can save us in this last hour is one that calls for a collective code of conduct that will be conducive to improving the conditions of our community, and shifting the paradigm of how we are treated by outside entities. The first step of this code of conduct should be based on economics.

The old adage of “money talks,” still reigns true in the new millennium. Any political scientist worth his or her library card will tell you that: “Economic powerlessness equals political powerlessness,” and conversely “economic power equals political power.” This means that if we continue to allow our wealth to be extracted from our community, we will remain impotent.

The power of the collective “Black Dollar” is often discussed. However, that power has been left unchanneled. Today is the day to change that. A one-time boycott is not going to bring long-term change and respect to our community. Our community has launched boycotts before. Our success and ascension will be based on what we consistently do. For this reason, we should initiate “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS.”

BUY BLACK FRIDAYS is a small step towards our community acquiring power via controlling our economics. Every Friday, people who acknowledge the injustice and oppression that the African American community has been consistently subjected to should do one of the following:

Option #1: Spend $0 on Friday
Option #2: Spend no more than $10 on Friday
Option #3: Only Shop at Black Businesses on Friday
[PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE OPTIONS CAN & SHOULD BE EXERCISED ON A DAILY BASIS. However, we can all at the very least focus on Fridays. This way we can take a collective stand and build our collective discipline. Please remember that this is only Phase 1!].

To the people who are tempted to label “BUY BLACK FRIDAYS” as racist, I say this: In the big scheme of things, this is about right & wrong, justice & injustice. The African American community is a strong, proud community that has endured the brunt of America’s iron fist. We must stop the pounding. I feel that any fair-minded individual will concur, and join in.

ANY business that is privileged to enjoy the support of the African American community MUST return that support.

I thank you in advance for your effort and dedication.

-Elsie Law AKA Starface

Quote Of The Day

"We will either find a way or make one." -Hannibal

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make." -Gorden B. Hinkley

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Black History Fact Of The Day

Norbert Rillieux invented the sugar processing evaporator and improved the sugar refining process. Before his invention, the process of refining sugar was dangerous and potentially deadly.

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report

Warren Buffet's company, Berkshire Hathaway, just made its biggest purchase in the company's history.

According to CNN, Berkshire Hathaway brought Burlington Northern Sante Fe for $44 billion.

Burlington Northern is a railroad operation. However, they also own other businesses such as: Fruit of the Loom, and Geico.

CNN states that news of the acquisition caused Burlington Northern's stocks to rise 28% on the morning of the announcement.

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

A clandestine prison in New York City is reportedly holding 250 detainees. According to The New York Times, the immigration jail is housed in a federal office building near lower Manhattan; and few people are aware of its existence. The Times states that the "facility takes in 11,000 men a year, most of them longtime New Yorkers facing deportation without a lawyer...Galvanized by [a] petition, the bar association sent volunteers to the jail to offer legal counsel to detainees."

The volunteer lawyers have found that most of the detainees have a legitimate claim to stay in the U.S. However, the system allows immigrant detainees to be imprisoned without the privilege of legal representation. They can also be moved to various facilities around the country without notice. This makes it very difficult for the immigration prisoners to legally defend themselves. Attention is being brought to this situation, in hopes that it can be rectified soon.

Quote Of The Day

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely." -Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." -Nora Roberts

Monday, November 2, 2009

Can Curry Help Cure Cancer?

A team of British scientists claim that their experiments have shown that curry spice can kill off cancer cells.

According to The BBC, a team of scientists "found that curcumin (an extract found in the bright yellow curry spice, tumeric) started to kill cancer cells [with]in 24 hours [of contact]...The cells also began to digest themselves after the curcumin triggered lethal cell death signals."

Curcumin is also being tested as a cure for dementia and arthritis.

Black History Fact Of The Day

James Derham is said to be the first African American to formally practice medicine in the United States.

According to Wikipedia, despite being born a slave, James Derham opened his own medical practice at the age of 26. He eventually became a specialist in throat diseases.

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report

The internet is about to go through a transformation that The BBC says has been described as: "the biggest change to the way the internet works since it was created 40 years ago." The change is expected to narrow language barriers amongst internet users.

Internet domain names in languages such as Arabic, Chinese, and Russian will soon be implemented (likely by next year). The plan for the use of "non-Latin script" in website addresses was approved by The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) in 2008. However, since the approval, the system has been going through testing.

The BBC states that the objective of the new domain name systems is "to create a universal internet address code that will work in any language and every place so all the world's computers can connect with each other."

Elsie Law's Daily Dose Of The Law

According to The New York Times, Congress recently approved legislation that allows The Environmental Protection Agency to relocate residents.

Under the guise of this legislation residents of the Kansas town, Treece, have reportedly been brought out of their residencies. The town was allegedly toxically contaminated from lead and zinc mining.

[SIDEBAR: I wonder what the government will do with the recently purchased parcel of land. Will it be sanitized (if possible) and returned to the former residents? Will it eventually be built on? If so, what will be built?]

Quote Of The Day

"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart." -Jonathan Swift