Thursday, March 20, 2008

Et Tu? Isn't Anyone Faithful Anymore?

It's been less than 72 hours, since Governor David Paterson and his wife admitted to having affairs in the past when their marriage hit a "rough patch." Since this confession, the details of the Governor's infidelities has been quickly expanding. What was first thought to be a single affair that commenced over half-a-decade ago, has now increased into multiple affairs- including one with a state government employee in the not-so-distant past.

Being human beings, we can all site our own personal sins of omission and/or commission (in varying degrees of severity- of course). However, I as a citizen, am becoming nonplussed with all of the sordid personal decisions that many of our government leaders are making. This is especially so when personal decisions cast a deep shadow on what should be the task-at-hand- making complex decisions that affect the lives of millions.

David Paterson, separates himself from other recent politicians caught up in extramarital affairs, by stating that he never used his governmental position to advance or facilitate his liaisons. However, the debate is still open on whether politicians who are unfaithful in their personal lives are qualified to hold positions that necessitate integrity and honesty. I personally feel that certain decisions and life patterns are indicators of an individual's character. However, the jury is also still out on the competency vs. character factor; and which weighs more in the minds of the constituents.

As for David Paterson, his political peers and the press seem to be on his side. They are mostly stating that the Governor's dalliances are a personal issue that he has handled well publicly.

[Sidebar/Note-To-Self: When it comes to future prospects: Politicians who party like rockstars < Actual rockstars. SMH]

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