Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New York City Schools Are Over-Extended

The New York City public school system, which is reportedly the largest in the country, is busting at the seams with students. WNYC states that, "According to the mayor's management report, 20% of New York City elementary schools and 59% of high schools exceed capacity." Teachers are also complaining about the over-regulation class sizes. Some classes have an excess of thirty-something students per room. Having too many pupils in one room slows down the learning process, and decreases classroom manageability.

This is a situation that highlights the importance of how the city's budget is allocated. Instead of building more jails and courthouses, we need more schools.

Ironically, a swanky new courthouse has just been built in the downtown Brooklyn area. Meanwhile, the dilapidated, old Brooklyn family court building has been designated as a schoolhouse. What does that say about the city's priorities?

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