Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday's Op-Ed

I venture to think that poverty could be eliminated in the world if the world's resources were properly managed. On a smaller scale, I always wondered why a country as rich as America would have such abject poverty. America actually pays its farmers not to grow crops in a federal program called, "Soil Bank."

Why would the government want to decrease the availability of food in a country where hunger and starvation exists? The Soil Bank Program is one of the indications that poverty is purposely being planned. Deprivation is profitable to some; and life-altering and potentially deadly to the people who are subjected to it.

The fact that the "powers that be" would encourage suffering and lack among certain factions of people is unconscionable.

Poverty is used as a very powerful weapon of control. If a person's basic needs aren't being met, human nature dictates what the obvious results will be. Poverty encourages crime. Most reasonably deducting people know this. The messed up part is that "the system" knows this better than all, and uses this premise to what they think is their advantage.

By creating poverty, the world's administrators create crime. They then turn around and use taxpayers' money to "fight crime," which they inherently created.

This cycle feeds on itself. It is also one of the oldest and best mouse traps built- so to speak. The challenge of those who weren't born with silver spoons in their mouths, is how to create an effective strategy to evade this tricky cycle. This is something most of us must continue to ponder into the new year.

As the world changes and evolves, it is my hope that the new paradigm will allow for the right resources to be in the right hands. Playwright Thornton Wilder wrote in his tome, "The Matchmaker": "Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow." This should be the thought that is implanted in our minds. Our politicians should especially abide by this as they disburse their budget. They should be double- and triple-checked to make sure that they concur with Thornton's statement.

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