Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today's Fly Or Die Commerce Report

After being outed for attempting to purchase a $50 million corporate plane after receiving bailout money, Citigroup is allegedly considering parting ways with the New York Mets on a marketing deal.

The deal is reportedly a 20 year/$400 million agreement, which comes with the stipulation that the baseball team will name its new stadium after the banking company.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Citigroup has said that no Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds (aka bailout money) will be used in their deal with the New York team, if the deal in fact proceeds. This statement makes me wonder why Citigroup was given bailout money in the first place, if they are so flush with cash.

[SIDEBAR: Save the bailout money for the people who really need it. Give the taxpayers' money back to the taxpayers.]

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